Social Media Marketing Agency

Customised social media and community manager services for your business.

Build a good online reputation with a strategy focused on results.

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What is Social Media?

Who hasn’t used a social network to search for information about a company, a specific product, or service?

If what we are looking for is not on the Internet, if we do not find valuable information or opinions from other consumers, it creates distrust.

That is why at our social media marketing agency, we believe in the importance of having a good social media strategy.

We are convinced that no digital marketing strategy is truly complete without integrating social media into its planning.

Social media is a wonderful world that offers us a multitude of advantages for businesses when it comes to working with them.

All of them can help us maximise the benefits for our business, provided they are well managed by a Social Media Marketing Agency, of course.

Do you want to know what advantages social media offers?

  • They allow you to understand your target audience first-hand and connect with them in a closer and less intrusive way.
  • We will be able to gather highly relevant information to create fully customised strategies for each segment of the population that interests your business. And we can do it faster, more precisely, and more cost-effectively than with traditional marketing.
  • You can leverage that valuable information to identify new business opportunities.
  • They are the best way to showcase your products or services to your potential customers and explain what makes you different from the rest of the competitors in the market, or even to carry out pre-tests before launching a new product or service.
  • They are an excellent means of customer service. The customer can communicate with the company quickly and directly to report their problem, and the company has the possibility of giving them an equally quick and direct response. In this way, both the customer and the rest of the community will be aware that you offer good customer service, which will strengthen your brand, improving your image and your digital reputation.
  • Reviews and comments from the community will also help you build a good image, as well as letting you know how consumers perceive your company.
  • They help drive more qualified traffic to your website, which will improve your organic search engine rankings and help increase your conversion rate and, consequently, your revenue.
  • The Social Ads campaigns we can run on social media are also less intrusive and more effective than traditional advertising campaigns.
  • You can build follower loyalty through different marketing actions, such as giveaways, prizes, etc.

Social media are the perfect medium to optimise your digital marketing strategy. Put yourself in the hands of our Social Media marketing agency and let us help you achieve your goals and increase your profits.

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Social Media Marketing Agency

As a social media marketing agency, at Aún Más Difícil Todavía (AMDT), we advocate integrating social media strategies into your digital marketing plan.

By hiring our social media marketing agency, you can forget about everything. We take care of everything related to the management of your social media:

Creation of engaging content for your target audience
If you want to attract customers really interested in what you offer, you must have content in different formats that they find interesting and valuable: videos, images, tutorials, infographics, etc.
Interactions with your followers
Our social media manager will be responsible for responding to comments, queries, or complaints left by your followers on the media. Knowing that your brand listens to them and responds to them in an agile and appropriate way will will strengthen your image. In addition, it allows you to have very valuable information for your business.
Advertising campaigns
To boost the impact of your social media, our Social Media Marketing Agency can run advertising campaigns adapted to your budget and objectives, targeting the right audience: generating potential customers, enhancing brand awareness, increasing traffic to your website, etc. If you are looking for results, our Social Media Marketing agency will help you achieve them.
Analytics and measurement
Measuring and analysing results is crucial for any strategy. Why? Because it is the only way to know empirically what works and what does not. This will allow us to know which actions to reinforce and which ones to eliminate. This way we can optimise the results even more if possible.

Social Media Marketing Agency

How Our Social Media Marketing Agency Works

At our social media marketing agency, we follow a defined strategy to achieve the best results for your business:

Start maximizing the potential of your social media. The professionals at our Social Media Marketing agency are waiting for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, of course not. We will recommend the most suitable ones for your company depending on several factors, such as your industry and target audience.

At our Social Media Marketing agency, we measure everything. Data is crucial for success in any social media campaign. The more information we have, the more accurate and effective our actions can be to achieve the desired objectives. Some of the key metrics we use in social media include:

  • Metrics related to current and potential audience, such as mentions, shares, links and impressions; rate of increase in the number of followers; number of people who have viewed a post since it was published, etc.
  • Engagement metrics, such as the number of likes or favourites on each post.
  • Conversion metrics: number of visitors who, after clicking a link, sign up for the newsletter or download material; percentage of visitors who clicked and then left; etc.
  • Metrics that reflect what your active customers think and feel about your brand, such as reviews, comments, satisfaction survey results, etc.

Every post, every action, as well as every interaction are measured and analysed in detail at our social media marketing agency.

If you want to optimise the results obtained with the use of your social networks, the best option is to put yourself in the hands of professionals and hire a Social Media Marketing Agency with a proven track record, such as AMDT.

Of course you can. At our social media marketing agency, we take care of everything you need for optimal management of your social media. Our community managers can take care of everything for you.

At our social media agency, we study and optimise the most suitable social networks to reach your target audience. Then, we build a community of potential consumers on each platform and develop growth strategies to convert them into customers, retain existing ones, and thereby increase sales.

Verified opinions

What do they say about us?

Zahira Martín
Zahira Martín
100% Profesionales y 100% Personas, difícil de encontrar en este tipo de servicios, eficientes, honestos, te acompañan como si fueran una pata más del equipo y consiguen resultados que al final es lo importante. Lo recomiendo!!
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Muy contento con todo el trabajo que están haciendo para el lanzamiento nuestro nuevo e-commerce.
ACM psicólogos
ACM psicólogos
Llevo trabajando con ellos desde el año 2015, cuando empezamos a crear nuestro centro de psicología. Estoy encantada con cada uno de los trabajos que hemos hecho juntos. Des de posicionamiento SEO, google adwords y recientemente la web nueva (que ha quedado genial y esta siendo muy bien valorada). Gracias a ellos y a su gran dedicación e implicación ACM ha ido creciendo cada vez más. Desde el principio hasta día de hoy, siguiendo todas las recomendaciones hemos obtenido unos resultados mucho más positivos de los esperados. Grandísimos profesionales con un criterio, formación y experiencia excepcional. Mil gracias por todo!!
Jose Grillo
Jose Grillo
Siempre nos han ayudado de manera muy profesional para mejorar nuestro posicionamiento SEO y campañas de Ads.
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
The best digital adgency of spain
José Luis
José Luis
Es todo un placer trabajar con el equipo de AMDT. Trato muy cercano y profesional. Totalmente recomendable.
Marcelino Roca Castán
Marcelino Roca Castán
Gran profesionalidad. Hicieron una pagina web inmejorable. En pocos meses aumentaron las visitas a ella y en consecuencia mi visibilidad mejoró muchísimo. Todo un acierto el trabajar con él. Lastima no haberlo hecho antes. Lo recomiendo 100%. Si quieres dar un empujón a tu negocio y ser el primero déjate asesorar los ellos. No te arrepentirás

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