LMS Agency

We create a learning management system based on the needs of your business.

Are you looking for a customised LSM agency? Join the educational revolution

We create a learning management system based on the needs of your business.

Are you looking for a customised LSM agency? Join the educational revolution

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What Is a Learning Management System Agency?

A learning management system is simply an online space designed to facilitate the e-learning experience. There, students and teachers can exchange thoughts, ideas, and experiences through the use of various resources, such as videos, forums, webinars, challenges, games, etc.

Learning new skills is essential to stay up-to-date in the labour market. For this reason, more and more people are opting for this new educational system to train themselves. In fact, in recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the use of training platforms.

Thanks to the advances that have taken place in the world of the Internet, any company or entity can have its own LMS.

What are you waiting for to join the learning evolution?

A learning management system is simply an online space designed to facilitate the e-learning experience. There, students and teachers can exchange thoughts, ideas, and experiences through the use of various resources, such as videos, forums, webinars, challenges, games, etc.

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Learning new skills is essential to stay up-to-date in the labour market. For this reason, more and more people are opting for this new educational system to train themselves. In fact, in recent years, there has been an exponential growth in the use of training platforms.

Thanks to the advances that have taken place in the world of the Internet, any company or entity can have its own LMS.

What are you waiting for to join the learning evolution?

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LMS Agency: A Space Where Everything Is an Advantage

In recent years, there has been a boom in online training courses. Every day, more and more companies and students decide to take advantage of the benefits offered by a Learning Management System compared to face-to-face training.

Although each Learning Management System has its particular characteristics depending on the goals you are pursuing and the needs you are looking to cover, they all benefit from the same advantages:

Cost and Time Savings
Work with LMS Agency is much cheaper than a traditional classroom. It avoids unnecessary travel, allowing all users to connect from anywhere , so you can attend as many students as you want!
It favours the conciliation of family, work, and personal life.
By allowing flexibility in study time and learning pace, the students of the training platform can better balance their working day and their leisure time, studying at their preferred time.
Access from Any Device
The user can connect from anywhere through their device, saving time and taking advantage of any situation that allows them to undertake the training.
Measuring Results and Providing Feedback
In the digital world, analytics are fundamental, so user interaction can be measured and analysed to later draw conclusions and optimise the course and/or training plan results.
Easy Use and Management
Anyone with simple user-level Internet skills can easily handle a training platform with great ease.
Content Updating
It allows content to be continuously updated, whether they are multimedia or documents of any kind.
Creation of Test
The LSM agency facilitates the creation and carrying out of exams, questionnaires and tests.
Collaborative learning
Facilitates and promotes group learning and collaboration, as participants can work as a team through the use of forums or chats.
With LMS Agency, the training platform can be customised according to the client's needs and integrate specific applications that may be of interest to the client.

LMS Agency

LMS Agency: An Educational Revolution

Learning management systems are revolutionising training in the business world. But why? Because the larger a company gets and the more it grows, the more its employees need adequate access to specialised education courses in order to develop.

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The problem is that in-person courses require complex infrastructure and organisation, they are expensive and employees lose too much of their work time.

What could be the solution to such a problem? Work with LMS agency – that’s right! LMS agency offers a lot of advantages to companies, as you have already seen. Online education systems are much more affordable and flexible at all levels, both for the company and the employees.

Some additional advantages of using an in-company learning management systems are as follows:

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, one of the advantages of our LMS agency is that they have no capacity limit and can host a large number of courses, students, and teachers. However, always consider the server’s capabilities.

Our LMS are very easy to use and will always make your work easier, as they are adapted for almost all types of content, so you can work with the formats you are most comfortable with. From PDF files to video content, audio, text and images, SCORM, etc.

Of course you can. Videoconferencing systems are an essential part of these platforms, as they facilitate good communication between students and teachers. Through Moodle, you can integrate the most popular video conferencing systems such as Zoom, Teams, GoToWebinar, Blackboard Collaborate, etc.

Yes, our LMS agency complies with all FUNDAE requirements, including interactivity, accessibility, user manual, backups, activity logs and a long list of requirements that e-learning platforms must meet.

Knowing the progress of each student is essential for the teacher to keep track of their evolution and adapt to their learning needs. On our platform you will have access to different reports to see how each student is progressing in their course.

Yes, once the course is completed, our platform gives you the option to issue a personalised course completion certificate to each student, so that they can have a certificate for the course they have completed.

Yes, we can create custom developments to integrate your corporate website with your LMS platform, making access easy and convenient for users and allowing you to have all services unified in one space.

Verified opinions

What do they say about us?

Zahira Martín
Zahira Martín
100% Profesionales y 100% Personas, difícil de encontrar en este tipo de servicios, eficientes, honestos, te acompañan como si fueran una pata más del equipo y consiguen resultados que al final es lo importante. Lo recomiendo!!
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Muy contento con todo el trabajo que están haciendo para el lanzamiento nuestro nuevo e-commerce.
ACM psicólogos
ACM psicólogos
Llevo trabajando con ellos desde el año 2015, cuando empezamos a crear nuestro centro de psicología. Estoy encantada con cada uno de los trabajos que hemos hecho juntos. Des de posicionamiento SEO, google adwords y recientemente la web nueva (que ha quedado genial y esta siendo muy bien valorada). Gracias a ellos y a su gran dedicación e implicación ACM ha ido creciendo cada vez más. Desde el principio hasta día de hoy, siguiendo todas las recomendaciones hemos obtenido unos resultados mucho más positivos de los esperados. Grandísimos profesionales con un criterio, formación y experiencia excepcional. Mil gracias por todo!!
Jose Grillo
Jose Grillo
Siempre nos han ayudado de manera muy profesional para mejorar nuestro posicionamiento SEO y campañas de Ads.
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
The best digital adgency of spain
José Luis
José Luis
Es todo un placer trabajar con el equipo de AMDT. Trato muy cercano y profesional. Totalmente recomendable.
Marcelino Roca Castán
Marcelino Roca Castán
Gran profesionalidad. Hicieron una pagina web inmejorable. En pocos meses aumentaron las visitas a ella y en consecuencia mi visibilidad mejoró muchísimo. Todo un acierto el trabajar con él. Lastima no haberlo hecho antes. Lo recomiendo 100%. Si quieres dar un empujón a tu negocio y ser el primero déjate asesorar los ellos. No te arrepentirás

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