Google Ads Agency

We create and optimise your Google Ads so you can attract more customers and achieve your goals.

Your Google Ads agency that creates strategies tailored to your needs and budget.

We create and optimise your Google Ads so you can attract more customers and achieve your goals.

Your Google Ads agency that creates strategies tailored to your needs and budget.

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What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s advertising platform. If you want to see your website, and your products and services positioned at the top of this search engine, our Google Ads agency is the answer. Without a doubt, this is the most widely used tool for SEM or paid positioning.

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Advertising campaigns are no longer limited to companies with large resources.

Advertising campaigns are no longer limited to companies with large resources. Today, any business with a website can advertise on Google Ads.

The only condition is to comply with the search engine’s policies and restrictions. Getting visits can be that simple.

Start increasing your profits today with our SEM consultancy.

You can be completely confident that running advertising campaigns with Google Ads will bring you many advantages. Here is a glimpse:

  • Your ads will be positioned directly at the top of the ranking of the most used search engine in the world: Google. It is estimated that around 92% of internet users use Google for their searches. Can you imagine the number of potential customers you can reach with your ads?
  • The campaigns you run can have as wide a geographical area as you wish. If the customers of your business are mainly from the same locality or nearby area, we, as a Google Ads agency, will target the campaign to that specific zone. If, on the other hand, your business operates internationally, you can choose the countries you are most interested in or run global campaigns.
  • You can limit the visibility of the ads to those users who are truly potential customers. To do this, our SEM consultancy will conduct a study and plan the keywords users will search for to find you, and will exclude the terms for which you are not interested in. This ensures that you only impact on those people who have a real interest in what you are offering.
  • In addition, our Google Ads agency can also create more specific segmentations of your target audience based on their age, gender, interests, etc. For example, if you have a bridal shop, you can directly target women interested in finding wedding dresses.
  • You will have full control over your investment. Our Google Ads agency will help you set limits on how much to spend per day and for how long based on your objectives. The amount and the period of time only depend on your objectives and the investment you wish to make, thus achieving the expected return.
  • Our SEM consultancy will schedule your ads to be active only on the days and times that best match your goals. For example, if you run a dental clinic, you may want them to be active only during your business hours so that you can serve potential clients during that period. Do you prefer your ads to be active 24/7? This is also possible.

Take advantage of all the benefits Google Ads has to offer and start attracting the attention of your potential customers right now. Stay ahead of your competition.

At AMDT, we take the profitability of your advertising campaigns very seriously. That’s why our Google Ads agency, pays meticulous attention to every detail to ensure you achieve the maximum benefits from your investment. Here’s how we do it:

  • The first thing we will take into account in our SEM consultancy to optimise your campaigns is the objectives you have set. Do you want to attract customers? Sell your products or services? Enhance your brand image? Depending on what you are looking for, our SEM positioning strategy will adapt to it accordingly.
  • Once the objectives are defined, AMDT will study the audience we aim to reach with our Google Ads campaign. What are their interests? What is their age demographic? Where do they live? What type of devices do they usually use to connect?
  • Our Google Ads agency will continue to carry out an analysis of the most relevant keywords to attract your target and avoid the audience that is irrelevant traffic to us. In this way we manage to optimise the budget of your investment to the maximum.
  • We also take care of identifying your competitors and analyse the campaigns they are running.
  • We create the ads and set up the campaign within Google Ads.
  • We make sure your website is properly optimised, specially the landing page or specific landing page.
  • We set up and link Google Ads with Google Analytics in order to measure the results and establish a conversion pattern to enhance campaign effectiveness.
  • If your business is local, we register or optimise your business on Google Maps (Google MyBusiness). This is essential if you want to advertise on Google Maps and increase your visibility.
  • We register and configure Google Shopping in case you want to sell your products via Google’s Market Place.
  • We identify the keywords and ads that have generated the most conversions and have the highest Quality Score to achieve the lowest Cost Per Click (CPC).
  • We monitor the results on a daily basis, including new keywords if necessary, and removing those that do not generate the desired results.

At AMDT’s Google Ads agency we do not run automatic campaigns. We continuously measure and analyse to optimise everything that is necessary. Our sole aim is to create the best-performing, optimised, and profitable campaign.

Google Ads Agency

Why is our Google Ads agency the best choice for your company?

We have several reasons to believe that hiring AMDT as a Google Ads agency is the best option for your company:

Request an SEM consultancy and you can discover all this and much more for yourself.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are several main differences between the two types of positioning:

  • Speed. SEO positioning needs time to be effective. SEM is immediate.
  • Economic cost. SEO does not involve direct costs for advertisements placement, as it is based on optimising the organic presence of the website in search results, as well as its content. All of this is carried out by professionals in the field. SEM, on the other hand, requires paying for ads in systems such as Google Ads or Bing Ads. These ads have a set duration depending on the investment needed.
  • Permanence. SEO persists over time. SEM only lasts for the specific period during which the campaign is contracted.

Certainly. Both SEM and SEO positioning are totally compatible with each other and both can be used simultaneously in your marketing strategy.

SEO positioning can be used as a medium or long-term strategy and can be combined with SEM positioning to achieve specific short-term goals.

The Quality Score is a metric determined by Google. The factors influencing it include:

  • Ad quality.
  • Relevance and quality of the keywords.
  • Quality of the landing page.

A high Quality Score means that Google considers your ad as high-quality. As a result, it will position it above the competition at the same CPC.

In addition, it will allow you to get a higher return per click on your ad. In other words, the cost per click for a visitor on your ad will be lower the higher your Quality Score.

Verified opinions

What do they say about us?

Zahira Martín
Zahira Martín
100% Profesionales y 100% Personas, difícil de encontrar en este tipo de servicios, eficientes, honestos, te acompañan como si fueran una pata más del equipo y consiguen resultados que al final es lo importante. Lo recomiendo!!
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Muy contento con todo el trabajo que están haciendo para el lanzamiento nuestro nuevo e-commerce.
ACM psicólogos
ACM psicólogos
Llevo trabajando con ellos desde el año 2015, cuando empezamos a crear nuestro centro de psicología. Estoy encantada con cada uno de los trabajos que hemos hecho juntos. Des de posicionamiento SEO, google adwords y recientemente la web nueva (que ha quedado genial y esta siendo muy bien valorada). Gracias a ellos y a su gran dedicación e implicación ACM ha ido creciendo cada vez más. Desde el principio hasta día de hoy, siguiendo todas las recomendaciones hemos obtenido unos resultados mucho más positivos de los esperados. Grandísimos profesionales con un criterio, formación y experiencia excepcional. Mil gracias por todo!!
Jose Grillo
Jose Grillo
Siempre nos han ayudado de manera muy profesional para mejorar nuestro posicionamiento SEO y campañas de Ads.
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
The best digital adgency of spain
José Luis
José Luis
Es todo un placer trabajar con el equipo de AMDT. Trato muy cercano y profesional. Totalmente recomendable.
Marcelino Roca Castán
Marcelino Roca Castán
Gran profesionalidad. Hicieron una pagina web inmejorable. En pocos meses aumentaron las visitas a ella y en consecuencia mi visibilidad mejoró muchísimo. Todo un acierto el trabajar con él. Lastima no haberlo hecho antes. Lo recomiendo 100%. Si quieres dar un empujón a tu negocio y ser el primero déjate asesorar los ellos. No te arrepentirás

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