Digital Analytics Agency

We help you obtain, analyse and interpret your business data.

Make data-driven decisions to achieve better results with our digital analytics agency.

We help you obtain, analyse and interpret your business data.

Make data-driven decisions to achieve better results with our digital analytics agency.

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What Does Digital Analytics Consist of?

The work of a digital analytics agency such as AMDT consists of measuring, analysing, and interpreting data from the different websites as well as all the pages that make up the website.

We analyse and interpret the flow of visitors and their behaviour on the website or mobile application. In this way, this gives you a clearer and more accurate picture of user behaviour and allows you to analyse whether they are achieving the objectives of each web page or, on the contrary, see what hinders that objective.

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Useful information is generated that allows conclusions to be drawn to improve the results of a brand’s various actions in the digital environment.

For a digital analytics agency to be able to carry out a complete analysis of the situation, you will need to have adequate data to do so. This means that the data measured should be qualitative, quantitative, and comparative (in relation to the competition). This is the only way to reliably reflect the results of the strategy you are implementing.

If you want to achieve the best results from your digital marketing strategy, it is highly recommended that you put yourself in the hands of an experienced digital analytics agency such as Aún Más Difícil Todavía.

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Why Hire a Digital Analytics Agency?

The best justification for hiring a digital analytics agency can be found in a quote by Thomson Kelvin: ‘What cannot be defined cannot be measured. What cannot be measured cannot be improved. What cannot be improved, is always degraded’.

And what a great truth that is!

If you want to prevent your business from stagnating or missing opportunities, then measure!

Having clear and well-defined objectives is essential for any business, but… whether you are on the right path to achieving them?

Analytics implemented by your digital analytics agency is the answer. Thanks to it, you will be able to know whether the strategy you are following is appropriate or if you need to make any adjustments to achieve the goals you have set

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You will be able to know what has happened and what are the results obtained, as well as why it has happened or why those results were obtained. And if you know why, you will also be able to know what needs to be changed in the strategy to adapt it to the objectives to be achieved.

The information that a good digital analytics agency can provide you with is crucial for helping you make decisions in different areas of any business: marketing, sales, customer service, etc.

In the digital world everything is recorded. Every visit to your website, every click made by any visitor, all of this can be measured accurately without any problem. Taking advantage of this, which cannot be found outside the internet in traditional marketing, makes all the difference. All the data that the digital analytics consultancy can collect both on your website and on your social media platforms provides valuable information that will help you understand your users much better. This data will allow you to connect with the tastes, aspirations, and needs of your potential customers. As a result, you will have an important advantage over your brand’s competitors, getting ahead of them and having the possibility to lead your sector.

The best justification for hiring a digital analytics agency can be found in a sentence by Thomson Kelvin: ‘What cannot be defined cannot be measured. What cannot be measured cannot be improved. What cannot be improved, is always degraded’. And how true that is! If you want to prevent your business from stagnating or missing opportunities, then measure!

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Having clear and well-defined objectives is essential for any business, but… whether you are on the right path to achieving them? Analytics implemented by your digital analytics agency is the answer. Thanks to it, you will be able to know whether the strategy you are following is appropriate or if you need to make any adjustments to achieve the goals you have set. You will be able to know what has happened and what are the results obtained, as well as why it has happened or why those results were obtained. And if you know why, you will also be able to know what needs to be changed in the strategy to adapt it to the objectives to be achieved.

The information that a good digital analytics agency can provide you with is crucial for helping you make decisions in different areas of any business: marketing, sales, customer service, etc.

In the digital world everything is recorded. Every visit to your website, every click made by any visitor, all of this can be measured accurately without any problem. Taking advantage of this, which cannot be found outside the internet in traditional marketing, makes all the difference. All the data that the digital analytics consultancy can collect both on your website and on your social media platforms provides valuable information that will help you understand your users much better. This data will allow you to connect with the tastes, aspirations, and needs of your potential customers. As a result, you will have an important advantage over your brand’s competitors, getting ahead of them and having the possibility to lead your sector.

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Digital Analytics Tools

Matomo Analytics

Google Analytics 4

Google Tag Manager

Looker Studio

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Digital Analytics: the Benefits it Brings to Your Brand

Digital analytics is absolutely essential for any brand.
The benefits of using the services of a digital analytics agency are as follows:

  • Evaluate the performance and usability of your website.
  • Know the real value of each action taken on the Internet.
  • Identify users’ consumption habits.
  • Better understand the characteristics of the users of your social networks and your website.
  • Improve the buying process by knowing where in the sales funnel they drop off or where in the customer journey they find a stopper.
  • Improve SEO positioning, knowing the keywords for which users have found you, visited you and what they have done on our website.
  • Reduce the cost and improve the performance of paid campaigns.
  • Discover users’ real interests.

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  • Identify new business opportunities.
  • Avoid investing in products or services that potential customers do not want.
  • Know the evolution of your brand in a given period of time, through growth in visits, sales or interactions with users.
  • Identify trends and behavioural patterns in a given period of time.
  • Segment audiences according to their interests.
  • Plan the type of content for your website, blog or social networks that best connects with your target audience.
  • Make better, and faster decisions.
  • Understand market trends and forecasts risks and business opportunities.

In short, the work developed by a digital analytics agency allows you to have at your fingertips everything you need to achieve greater benefits in a much more efficient way.

What are you waiting for to contact our digital analytics agency? Save time and money by helping your business to make better decisions. Contact us!

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Frequently Asked Questions

In web analytics you can analyse everything related to visitors and their behaviour, as well as the behaviour of the site itself (loading speed, time spent on the site, number of pages viewed per session by the user, etc.).

The possibilities are endless. The important thing is to define what really matters to your business. From there, the digital analytics agency will determine the most appropriate metrics for your case.

For example, if the main goal for your online shop is to increase sales, the most important metrics would be: number of visitors you receive, most viewed products, who clicked on the buy button and who completed the purchase process.

Knowing each of these data would give you a pretty good idea of what is happening and why. From there, you can decide what changes you need to make to your strategy to achieve your goal of increasing the number of sales.

The metrics we use for digital website analytics can vary depending on what the brand’s online objectives are. There are a large number of them depending on the type of technology used (mobile application, website, etc.), but the most common are the following:

  • Traffic: number of visits to the website.
  • Bounce rate: the number of visitors who leave the website without interacting with it.
  • Most visited pages.
  • Conversion rate: percentage of consumers who take an action, such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.
  • Average time spent on the website.
  • Number of returning visitors.
  • Cost per conversion: how much it costs to get a conversion.
  • What type of device users connect from.
  • Page load time.
  • Number of pages they visit each time they enter.
  • Sources of traffic coming to the site.

If you don’t know which ones best suit your brand’s needs, contact the experts at our Digital Analytics agency. They will answer your questions quickly.

There are many tools that can be used to analyse a website. Some of the most important ones are Google Analytics 4 (GA4), Google Data Studio or Matomo.

At AMDT, we differ from any other digital analytics agency in our many years of experience in different digital analytics projects, the hundreds of clients that endorse our professionalism and the continuous training that our experts have to keep up to date with the best techniques and tools in digital analytics.

And, of course, what most sets us apart is our commitment and enthusiasm for every project we undertake.

For us, your success is our success.

Verified opinions

What do they say about us?

Zahira Martín
Zahira Martín
100% Profesionales y 100% Personas, difícil de encontrar en este tipo de servicios, eficientes, honestos, te acompañan como si fueran una pata más del equipo y consiguen resultados que al final es lo importante. Lo recomiendo!!
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Sergio Cardoso Garcia
Muy contento con todo el trabajo que están haciendo para el lanzamiento nuestro nuevo e-commerce.
ACM psicólogos
ACM psicólogos
Llevo trabajando con ellos desde el año 2015, cuando empezamos a crear nuestro centro de psicología. Estoy encantada con cada uno de los trabajos que hemos hecho juntos. Des de posicionamiento SEO, google adwords y recientemente la web nueva (que ha quedado genial y esta siendo muy bien valorada). Gracias a ellos y a su gran dedicación e implicación ACM ha ido creciendo cada vez más. Desde el principio hasta día de hoy, siguiendo todas las recomendaciones hemos obtenido unos resultados mucho más positivos de los esperados. Grandísimos profesionales con un criterio, formación y experiencia excepcional. Mil gracias por todo!!
Jose Grillo
Jose Grillo
Siempre nos han ayudado de manera muy profesional para mejorar nuestro posicionamiento SEO y campañas de Ads.
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
Pablo Sanchez-Rico
The best digital adgency of spain
José Luis
José Luis
Es todo un placer trabajar con el equipo de AMDT. Trato muy cercano y profesional. Totalmente recomendable.
Marcelino Roca Castán
Marcelino Roca Castán
Gran profesionalidad. Hicieron una pagina web inmejorable. En pocos meses aumentaron las visitas a ella y en consecuencia mi visibilidad mejoró muchísimo. Todo un acierto el trabajar con él. Lastima no haberlo hecho antes. Lo recomiendo 100%. Si quieres dar un empujón a tu negocio y ser el primero déjate asesorar los ellos. No te arrepentirás

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